
Friday Oct 27, 2023
Where Podcasts Dwell - Hulk (2016)
Friday Oct 27, 2023
Friday Oct 27, 2023
It's time for another new episode of Halloween fun!! This week, I'm joined by the winner of the Matt Spectro anniversary giveaway, the host of podcast "What’s Shakin with Shaner"…Shaner!!! Join us for scary fun as we go back to 2016 for the direct to DVD film Hulk: Where Monsters Dwell. Old Jade Jaws teams with the Howling Commandos and Dr. Strange to battle Nightmare on All Hallows Eve!! We discuss such topics as Halloween trivia, continuity of the Marvel animated universe, Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, Nightmare's character design, and are modern kids afraid of minotaurs?!? All this and more as the Hulk deals with monsters and mayhem…in cartoon form!

Saturday Oct 14, 2023
Born on Monday, Podcast on Tuesday - The Batman (2005)
Saturday Oct 14, 2023
Saturday Oct 14, 2023
The tricks and treats continues with a brand new episode on everyone's favorite super-strengthed zombie Solomon Grundy!!! I’m joined by my nephew James as we travel back to 2005 for the halloween episode of The Batman, "Grundy Night!" We take a scary journey into the less-talked-about Batman cartoon with a special Halloween spectacular!! We tackle such spooky subjects as the history and longevity of Solomon Grundy, cheap Halloween costumes, our favorite horror franchises, and a possible Iron Maiden reference!!! All this and more as we the dead come back to life... in cartoon form!

Saturday Sep 30, 2023
Podcasts and Wings, Floaty Crowny Things - Fairly OddParents (2002)
Saturday Sep 30, 2023
Saturday Sep 30, 2023
It’s Halloween season and I'm treating you with a new episode!!! Here at the Multiverse, I do a month long celebration of Halloween and kicking it off early! I’m joined by Comics Bi Dylan as we get our ghosts on for the 2002 Halloween episode of the Fairly OddParents "Scary GodParents!" Join in for spooky fun as we talk such topics as... is it ridiculous 2 grown men are discussing Nickelodeon cartoons, the multitude of celebrities who have lent their voice to Fairly Oddparents, when did female halloween costumes become so provocative, how Timmy got his name and pumpkin puns!!! All this and more as Dylan and myself make your Halloween wishes come true…in cartoon form!

Friday Sep 15, 2023
Podcast Force - UltraForce (1995)
Friday Sep 15, 2023
Friday Sep 15, 2023
This week, I have the return of frequent collaborator Mike Crockett!!!! Whenever Mike is with me, we look at a cartoon that is considered the worst of the worst. Has age been kind to UltraForce?!? Join us as we go back in time to 1995 for the UltraForce episode, "Prime Time!" Listen in for such topics as, does this cartoon get a bad rap, 90s comic culture, weird noises made by our heroes, Prime being a weird Shazam knock off, and the hit show "She's The Mayor!!!" All this and more as we either get pleasantly surprised or regret watching UltraForce!

Friday Sep 01, 2023
Podcast in Disguise - Beast Wars Transformers (1998)
Friday Sep 01, 2023
Friday Sep 01, 2023
It’s a new episode and we’re looking at The Transformers but not the 80s! We’re going to the 90s for the first CGI version!!! After a long absence, I'm joined by Max Smashmaster as we go back to 1998 for the episode “Code of Hero,” widely considered the best episode of the series. Will my guest feel the same?!? Join us for such topics at what was once considered groundbreaking CGI, flying robotic body parts, the complex storyline of Beast Wars, whatever the hell Cold Squad is, and Trukk No Munky!!!! So find out what’s more than meets the eye….in cartoon form!

Friday Aug 25, 2023
Podcast of the Living Dead - What If...? (2021)
Friday Aug 25, 2023
Friday Aug 25, 2023
It’s time for a new episode and it’s an early Halloween as the dead rise from their graves! I'm joined by Dave of Correct Handed Comics as we go back to the 2021 episode of What If...? with the rather lackluster name of "What If…Zombies?!!?" The Earth's Mightiest Heroes become an undead horde and dine on the flesh of MCU!! Join me for banter on Dave's comic The Offspring, zombies in the cinema as well as comics, strange creative choices of the MCU, really eye rolling MCU humor, trivia and the greatness of Jeffrey Wright voiceovers! All this and more as the dead walk the earth…in cartoon form!!

Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
Long Time No Podcast - Inuyasha (2000)
Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
Our long summer hiatus is over as I'm back with a brand new episode!!! I'm joined by Carissa of Worthy Chaos Comics, just in time for her néw Kickstarter campaign! We go back to 2000 for the Inuyasha episode "The Girl Who Overcame Time and the Boy who Just Overcame." We have alotta talking the anime cartoon, the comic industry and her comic book as well. My pronunciations are as questionable as usual as we talk manga and anime which is not my area of expertise with a slight mocking tone in our guest's voice! Check it out, the big return of the Multiverse…in cartoon form!

Friday Jul 07, 2023
Podcast of Demon Destroyer-Demon Slayer(2019)
Friday Jul 07, 2023
Friday Jul 07, 2023
We're back with a new episode!!! Matts joined by the shows anime expert and youngest Multiverse guest Alex!!! We travel back to 2019 for the popular anime Demon Slayer episode "Cruelty" Not Matts area of expertise but still a fun time with Alex!! Join them for such discussions as Matt's continued failure at japanese names, the relative reserved tone of Demon Slayer compare to other anime, the mind blowing number of episodes of the cartoon Sazae San, Matt babbling a little more then usual and the Prime Minister of Japan!!! All this and more as Matt and Alex slay a whole lotta demons.....in cartoon form!!

Monday Jun 26, 2023
Podcast Always Land On Their Feet-Spectacular Spiderman(2008)
Monday Jun 26, 2023
Monday Jun 26, 2023
Its new episode time!!! Robbie Sherman is back as we are talk the former love interest of Spiderman the Black Cat!! We travel back in time to 2008 for the Spectacular SpiderMan episode "Persona" Black Cat the first super powered girlfriend of Webhead!! We go indepth into her history plus Robbies love of Spectacular Spiderman which believe it or not first time here on the podcast we talked this cartoon!!! Join us as we talk such topics as the history of Black Cat and how she was at first not even a Spidey charecter, the animation style being completely unique, Robbie having a tough time with trivia, #SaveSpectacularSpiderman and a tagent on 2 and a Half Men!! So join us for web head and the bad luck of crossing a black cats path.......in cartoon form!!!!

Sunday Jun 18, 2023
Podcast High Score - Mass Effect (2012)
Sunday Jun 18, 2023
Sunday Jun 18, 2023
This week we go outside the box as we go back to 2012 for the animated film Mass Effect-Paragon Lost!!!! The popular video game series has comics and an animated film so it’s not that match of a stretch for my show! Antoine joins me once again as it was his idea, knowing much more about the game then your illustrious host! Join us for such topics as Mass Effect's working title, the video games Matt used to play, pros and cons of watching things through a modern lens, and Freddie Prinze Jr! All this and more as talk video games…in cartoon form!

Saturday Jun 10, 2023
Podcast Paradox -The Flash (2013)
Saturday Jun 10, 2023
Saturday Jun 10, 2023
Join us as we celebrate the 100th episode of the Multiverse!!! This episode, I'm joined by Craig, co-host of the Diabolical Podcast. We’re talking the comic book "Flashpoint" and the animated film it spawned, "Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox!" We get into the ins and outs of the Flash story that we still feel the effects of today. Join us for Flash trivia, the plus and minuses of alternate reality and elseworlds stories, is Geoff Johns controversial, the connection to Grays Anatomy and spanish Batman! All this and more as we change the pass with the Scarlet Speedster for the 100th time... in cartoon form!!!!

Saturday May 27, 2023
Podcast Family Values-Addams Family(1973)
Saturday May 27, 2023
Saturday May 27, 2023
It's the first episode of year 3 and we're going back to the early 70s for the short lived, almost forgotten to time Addams Family cartoon!!! I'm joined this week by my brother Travis as we go back watch the 1973 episode of the Addams Family "Follow That Loaf of Bread"! It was a popular sitcom, but will it translate to Saturday morning success?!? Join us as we discuss such topics as naming the family, cost cutting of Hanna-Barbara, which members of the family lent their voice to the cartoon, just what is Thing exactly, my annoyance at Gomez's voice, and laugh tracks! So joins us for creepy and kooky, mysterious and spooky and alltogether in cartoon form!!

Saturday May 20, 2023
2 Year Podcastiversary-Batman Thru the Years
Saturday May 20, 2023
Saturday May 20, 2023
It's finally here, our 2 Year Anniversary Episode!!! He's the guest from the most downloaded episode in the history of the Multiverse, Jamie Jamitkowski!!! As a celebration, Jamie and I go through the history of Batman in animation. From Filmation in the late 60s, all the way to 2013's Beware the Batman! Rank the highs and lows and really dig deep into the Dark Knights over 50 year cartoon history. Join us as we celebrate the Caped Crusader's with Batman trivia, the only time Batman appeared in two cartoons at once, weird costume and color designs, connections to the live action TV show, listener appreciation gifts and Matt does cartoon sound effects! Special thanks to all my listeners as we look back on 2 years and blaze forward to year 3.......in cartoon form!!!

Friday May 05, 2023
Where No Podcast Has Gone Before-Star Trek(1973)
Friday May 05, 2023
Friday May 05, 2023
This week we continue our countdown to our 2 year anniversary episode!!! Not 1 but 2 guest join us from the 2nd most downloaded episode ever!! Mick Crocket and Keithie Langston return as we travel back to 1973 for Star Trek the animated series episode "Yesteryear" The classic sci-fi phenom enter the world of animation and continued the Enterprises 5 year journey!!!! Join the 3 hosts as they discuss such topics as is the cartoon considered cannon, the returning cast, is this cartoon really aimed at children, viewmaster and measuring cleavage!!! All this and more as Matt,Mike and Keith face the Final Frontier....in cartoon form!!!

Friday Apr 28, 2023
Podcasting is Close to Godliness - Spectre (2010)
Friday Apr 28, 2023
Friday Apr 28, 2023
This week, we continue our countdown to the Multiverse 2 Year Anniversary Episode!!! I’m joined by the guest from our 3rd most downloaded episode, Dave Walker. We travel back in time to 2010 for the very first DC animated Showcase…The Spectre! We go in-depth with the hero's history as well as watch Jim Corrigan lay down some vengeance! Join us as we discuss such topics as, is The Spectre too powerful, the many different Spectre comics over the years, Spectre's connection to one of the worst ideas in comic history, is the cartoon set in the present and Dave's affection for Judith Light. All this and more as we discuss the Wrath of God….in cartoon form!

Friday Apr 21, 2023
King of All Podcasts-Godzilla(1978)
Friday Apr 21, 2023
Friday Apr 21, 2023
The Multiverse is back!!! After the long break we return as we begin the countdown to our 2 year anniversary episode!!! This week we're join by Francis who was a guest on our 5th most downloaded episode!! We're talking the King of all Monsters Godzilla as we travel back to 1978 for the Godzilla cartoon "The Fire Bird" Godzilla more of the hero then the villain as he invaded everyones saturday mornings!! Join us as we discuss the history of Godzilla including our favorite films, the watering down of the cartoons original concept,more goofy cartoon sidekicks, this episodes big bad definitely not being Rodan, and Brock Borden wearing a t-shirt at the North Pole!!! All this and more as we talk everyones favorite atomic green lizard......in cartoon form!!

Friday Mar 17, 2023
Wanna Smurf on my Smurfin’ Podcast? - The Smurfs (1981)
Friday Mar 17, 2023
Friday Mar 17, 2023
Once a year, my wife indulges my nerdy podcast and graces us with her presence!! This is her episode as we go back to 1981 to watch The Smurfs episode "The Smurfette." Yes, we're talking those little blue mushroom dwellers who took 80s Saturday morning by storm! Join us as we discuss such topics as Smurfs roots back to 50s, do blondes have more fun, a case of Smurfberries, Dick Dastardly, and a Quantum Leap connection?!? All this and more as we Sing a happy song and Smurf the podcast…in cartoon form!

Friday Mar 10, 2023
Shock to the Podcast - Static Shock (2000)
Friday Mar 10, 2023
Friday Mar 10, 2023
This week, the Multiverse sits down with Antoine Browne as we go back to 2000 for the very first episode of Static Shock, "Shock to the System!" Not only Antoine's first appearance on the Multiverse, but his first appearance ever on a podcast! We look back and celebrate the Milestone Comic imprint and the cartoon it shaped. Join us as we discuss such topics as the origins of Milestone, the late great Dwayne McDuffie, changes from the source material, what classic comic artist may have helped kick things off and Black Vulcan!! All this and more as we get electrified…in cartoon form!

Friday Mar 03, 2023
Podcast Beyond - Batman Beyond (1999)
Friday Mar 03, 2023
Friday Mar 03, 2023
This weeks episode, I'm joined by Perry, host of the podcast Superhero Cinephiles!! We go back to 1999 for the Batman Beyond episode "Rebirth!" It's a rare example of an animated series based on DC comics but more of an original creation, exploding from the success of both Batman and Superman the animated series!! Join us as we talk such topics as 90s legacy heroes, the greatness of DC animated series, the Batman Beyond connection to Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Frank Welker brought in just to bark and giant cell phones!! All this and more as we discuss Bruce Wayne passing the torch......in cartoon form!!

Friday Feb 17, 2023
Podcast the Conqueror - Avengers (2011)
Friday Feb 17, 2023
Friday Feb 17, 2023
To coincide with the new Ant-Man film this week, we’re talking Kang the Conqueror!!! I'm joined by Anthony, co-host of the podcast Comics and Chronic, as we go back to the 2011 episode of Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes, "The Man Who Stole Tomorrow!" We compare and contrast to other Avengers cartoons as well as dive into the history of Kang! Join us for such topics as the many versions of Kang, the enormous size of Steve Rogers, Marvel pocket novels, and the importance of theme songs!! All this and more as we travel through time... in cartoon form!!!